Sutter County Republican Party


Volunteers are best doing what they're passionate about. Tell us what you're passionate about. We'll find a meaningful job that satisfies your passion, capitalizes on your skills and builds a better America.

Hosting candidate meet & greets for neighbors, friends and family

Assisting with dinners and other functions

Contacting prospective donors

Delivering yard signs and other material

Meeting neighbors as block captains

Walking neighborhoods with printed material about the Republican Party & candidates

Writing letters & editorials

Creating videos

Graphic artists

Contacting property owners for sign locations

Putting up large campaign signs

Working on mass mailers

Working at a table and registering voters at events

Social media

Web site building

I.T. skills

Translating our website and printed material into Spanish and Punjabi

Working on a phone bank




Learn More

Come to our meetings or sign up for our emails so you can tell family, friends and co-workers what we're doing.

Our regular meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of the month. Meetings are in the City of Yuba City's Council Chambers (1201 Civic Center Boulevard) and start at 6:30 PM.

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Paid for by the Sutter County Republican Central Committee
a.k.a. the Sutter County Republican Party
Not authorized by any Candidate or Candidate's Committee
P.O. Box 778, Yuba City, CA 95991
Federal ID# C00400465 | State ID#741452